How to Stay Motivated

Motivation is defined as the reasoning behind our behavior and our willingness to act. It is the foundation of success in all aspects of life. However, staying motivated is not an intrinsic skill. Motivation naturally ebbs and flows like many other feelings. Staying motivated requires an understanding of your personal experience with motivation, as well as the practice of motivation-building techniques.

Once we understand our motivation we become capable of influencing the motivation of others positively. Humans’ social predisposition makes group motivation more impactful on progress and morale than solo motivation. Teams, businesses, and even families will notice an improved sense of success and satisfaction with life when motivation is incorporated into daily life.

Let’s discuss the techniques you will need to build your motivation muscle.

–     Set A Goal

Goal setting is the perfect place to start. Motivation is most commonly experienced when there is an objective to reach that is deeply desirable. That objective is your goal and identifying it is up to you.

Think about the reasons you need motivation and your goal will become apparent. You can also look into setting S.M.A.R.T goals to ensure your objective is a proper fit and well defined. Goals can range from muscle gain to increased productivity at work, so take the time to single out one or two that you want to focus your efforts towards.

Once you identify your goal and the reasoning behind its importance, find a way to make it present in daily life. This may be a daily affirmation about your goal when you wake up, a screen saver with a picture of what you are working to accomplish, or a framed definition of your goal. Keeping your goal fresh on your mind helps to reignite motivation daily.

Once you know your own goal it becomes possible to share your motivation by defining that goal to individuals within your group. For individuals on a team who share a common goal, a clear definition through the S.M.A.R.T goal setting method can provide direction that sparks motivation.

–     The Time In Between

When people are working on the milestones that lead towards their goal it is common to sprint at the start and the finish. This mentality towards the start and end of work periods leads to lower quality work being done in the middle. It is the result of a drop in motivation, and if it drops low enough people tend to give up.

The solution, make the time in between the start and finish of tasks shorter. Shortening the middle can be accomplished by setting smaller milestones, setting a point to take a break, or planning rewards during that time. Be aware of motivation lows and explore ways to reignite your drive until you find a few that do the trick!

Everyone experiences motivation lows, but not everyone knows how to acknowledge them. If you see a coworker struggling to focus on a task offer a chat and if they are receptive, some options that will help shorten the time in-between their start and finish. For team leaders, observation of morals and implementation of events that shorten the middle of team tasks are opportunities to share your motivation.

–     Find Your Flow

Flow is a mental state in which focus is unwavering and productivity is at an all-time high. Achieving a state of flow commonly happens in random bursts, but the ideal state of flow is one that can be personally controlled to some extent. When you control your flow and become productive towards your goal motivation and self-confidence are sure to follow.

To control your state of mental flow you must first understand it. Reflect on and be present in times when you are most involved in your work. Analyze how that involvement started, events that helped you sustain it, and how it ended. As you start to understand the things that trigger and support your flow you can implement them and begin to control that state. Find your flow and put it to use to make the most of your time and bolster your motivation.

–     Reward Sucess

Success is more than reaching a major goal. Success is completing each milestone, putting in the work when you are exhausted, and learning from mistakes. Celebrating all forms of success with a reward system renews motivation and reinforces positive thinking.

Rewards can be anything from a special snack to a break, or even participating in a favorite activity. Chose something that will make you feel good and get you excited to succeed in the face of your next challenge.

Rewards are still impactful when you are leading a group or motivating other individuals. Try to choose something you are sure they will enjoy and surprise them with the reward when they are successful, especially if they have not rewarded themselves already. Be sure to emphasize the importance of their past success and the importance of future success to refresh their motivation.

–     Interactive Observation

Motivation is not a spectator sport. If you see someone succeeding in the achievement of their goals, interact with them. They may share their tips for staying motivated during their journey and those tips can benefit your journey. If you only watch other’s accomplishments and don’t take the time to gain a deeper understanding you are more likely to foster jealousy, and that can be a motivation killer.

Even though you now know to interact after observing motivation-driven success, others may not. As you become more confident and understanding of motivational control you can share your experience with others who are interested to help them grow.

–     Momentum Begets Motivation

There will be days where motivation feels like it has run dry, but do not stop working! Building motivation towards a goal is like building a habit. The longer you continue working towards your goal and the more effort you put into staying motivated, the easier it will become.

Tip: The first month of staying motivated is often the hardest. Focus on rewards, redefining milestones, social support, and whatever else rouses your motivation. Once you pass this point it will start to feel more natural and eventually, the momentum of your motivation will help keep you in that state.

–     Review and Reenergize

Taking time to review your personal development of motivation can be done at any time in your journey. It is most beneficial when reflection is practiced regularly. This provides an opportunity to take pride in your progress, alter complications to benefit future growth, and appreciate what you have shared with others. After journaling or talking about reflection your motivation will be heightened and you will be ready for your next challenge.

Tip: Team reflection is motivation building and team building all in one!

If staying motivated is a struggle for you or your team, consider working with a professional mentor. They will be able to analyze you specific scenario and work up the best plan for you to follow on your way to motivational excellence!



  1. Fishbach, A. (2018, October 23). How to Keep Working When You’re Just Not Feeling It. Retrieved October 22, 2020, from
  2. Motivation: How to get started and staying motivated. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2020, from